Once a customer has made a purchase from you a good onboarding sequence is crucial. It can do a number of key things for you and your customer such as; Head off buyers remorse Set the correct expectations Lower number of calls and emails to your support desk Help you customers avoid common pitfalls Help your […]
I had a question from a follower of the blog about how to fire an ActiveCampaign automation from a link in one of your outbound emails. I'll answer that question here and take it up one more level on top of that. First of all I will say that I think it is a fantastic idea […]
Back in July, 2014 ActiveCampaign quietly introduced CRM functionality to their marketing automation platform. Up until then I think it is fair to say that the were focused mainly on email marketing. However, with this new feature, it makes it pretty simple to automate most internal workflows you may have in your business. So let’s […]
ActiveCampaign automations are a very powerful vehicle for growing your business and are really only limited by your imagination. The tricky part of course is knowing how to drive them. You can start an automation any number of ways, but there needs to be at least one (can be more) ‘trigger’ that causes the automation […]