TAM 052: Stephan Hovnanian – Advanced Lead Scoring Strategies
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In episode 52, I discuss some advanced lead scoring strategies. Lead scoring is one of the most underutilised features in ActiveCampaign, and other marketing automation platforms. Lead scoring is a great way for you to filter and identify your best prospects and program alerts to reach out and turn them into raving fans.
Stephan Hovnanian is the owner of Shovi Websites, an email marketing and web strategy company located outside Boston. He is also a frequent contributor of ActiveCampaign related marketing nuggets inside Automation Nation, so join us there.
Lead Scoring Topics We Chat About:
- Tags vs. Lead Scoring
- Permanent points vs. expiring points
- Looping lead scoring automations to keep the points current
- How to track things like Customer Lifetime value.
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Stephan: By the way I love all that descriptive stuff I'm going to listen to this again, copy all that down and probably steal it.
Barry: Fair enough.
Speaker 3: Welcome to the Active Marketer podcast where we talk about how to design, automate and scale your business to the next level using sales and marketing automation. You can find out all the tips, tactics and techniques you need to get more customers and sell more stuff over at the activemarketer.com. Now here's your host Barry.
Barry: Welcome to the Active Marketer podcast, I am your host Barry and this is the podcast that's all about sales funnels and marketing automation. This week we're going to talk all about one of the really most underutilised features of Active Campaign and probably most marketing automation platforms and that's lead scoring. I've touched on lead scoring briefly in a previous episode but I want to go more in depth to som more advance tactics and advanced ways that you can use marketing automation and lead scoring within your sales funnel to really identify who those brand champions are. Who are the people that are most receptive, who are you keys buyers, who are the people with the biggest customer life time value in your business, so that you can really turn them from customers into brand champions that will bring other people into your business.
I thought we bring on somebody else, you know a lot of times as entrepreneurs we kind of work in a little bit of a vacuum and it's always good to bounce ideas off somebody else. This week's guest I'm going to bring on who's another marketing automation freak like myself Stephan Hovnanian and we're going to talk a little bit about how he's lead scoring and we're going to bounce some ideas around and come up with some new ways that you can use lead scoring in your business and your automations.
Before we do that of course, of course, of course, there is the shameless social proof segment. This is where I read out your five star reviews from iTunes and Stitcher and Sound Cloud now, you can also get the podcast over on Sound Cloud. This week's review comes from Australia it's five stars I never miss an episode says Clint PP from Australia. He says "Barry is the automation expert when it comes to wanting to learn more about using email automation there is no need to go anywhere else. His shows are packed with useful information and tips to help you grow your list and increase your profits with automation. I love the fact that it's a no fluff show focused on delivering value to the listeners. Keep up the great work Barry."
Thank you very much, quite a flattering review Clint, I appreciate you taking the time to head over to iTunes and leave that review for us. Please if you're finding value out of these podcasts that we put out every week I'd love it if you could head over to iTunes or Stitcher or your favourite platform there and leave us a five star review. What that does is it drives the podcast up the ranks and makes it easier for other people to find.
You're really helping those other people out as well by getting this information in the hands of all the people who want to know how to use it. So do me a favour you know we put out great value, I would love it can go and leave us a review over in iTunes or Stitcher and I will read out your review on a future shameless social proof segment. Let's get into this week's episode which is all about advanced lead scoring techniques. I'd like to welcome to the show Stephan Hovnanian from Shovi websites in the Boston Area. Stephan welcome.
Stephan: Thanks for having me, great to see you.
Barry: Yeah, sounds good brother. Stephan is, not only is he an email marketing guy and a website strategy guy but he's also a marketing automation freak like myself so much so that we just spent the last four hours on a group certification call with Active Campaign which sparked a few ideas for us to talk about so I thought we'd get on the show and talk a little bit about lead scoring, how does that sound?
Stephan: Sounds great to me.
Barry: All right brother. For those of you who aren't familiar with lead scoring, you want to fill people in on what you can do with lead scoring or how it works?
Stephan: Yeah, sure. The nuts and bolts of it is, is you give points to you contacts for doing certain things and the points are completely arbitrating it's a gamification system ... It's an internal thing, you don' tell your contacts how many points they have earned or anything like that but it's essentially another way of measuring engagement within your emails or series, it's another way just of measuring the action that you get on the different campaigns and sequences that you're sending out, so it will help you make ... I think it kind of helps streamline things a little bit because we use tagging a lot you know but that doesn't necessarily ... Everybody could have ... You could have 10 people that have the same tag but you don't know if person three versus person ten is way more engaged in the content, might be a little bit more right for a certain kind of offer so scoring kind of helps that. It adds this extra layer of points and measurement.
Within Active Campaigns, we're going to get a little bit mechanical here, if you click on contacts and then you click on manage scoring you end up at a page that says lead score rules, and who knows they may change the text on that at some day later but you end up at the scoring dashboard if you will, which allows you to create different categories of lead scores and from there first off you can have a contact score or a lead score or a deal score. The contact score is essentially just points that you're assigning to the contact as a whole. It has nothing to do with the pipeline or anything like that with an Active Campaign the deal score is a pipeline driven one so you will have to actually assign a pipeline to that score.
Once you've created that, you can create different rules within there. You also don't have to, you can do that through automations as well, which is kind of cool. I've started to actually play with that more where my scoring happens more in automations but I've created this category under the lead scoring because you have to assign it when you go in the automation and say add 10 points to a score, it's going to say well what score would you like to add it to and you have to pick. I set that up first now and I'm starting to not put the rules inside that section, I'm starting to let the points accumulate and get managed and what not on the automation side of things. That's kind of an intro to it.
Barry: Yeah and some really interesting things around the way Active Campaign implements lead scoring, it's available on some of the other platforms but on the other platforms you're kind of limited to how they think you should use it right. I think it's Infusionsoft, you get like five little flames to tell you if someone is a hot contact or not. Same with I think Agile CRM does the a similar sort of thing. In Active Campaign you can actually set up what you want to reward or what you want to track. You are not limited to the manufacturer's way that they think you should use it. You can set it up to track or score pretty much anything you want.
I want to leap back to something you said about tags. We use tags quite heavily inside Active Campaign. There tends to be a lot of tags and you brought up an interesting point that you could have 10 people that have the same tags. I think if you were to differentiate what's the difference between tags and lead scoring is tags will tell you what somebody's done or what they've seen. It tells you their behaviour a little bit. A tag will you what they've interacted, what they've done. The lead scoring will tell you how interested they are in what they've done if that makes sense.
If you send an email out to somebody, those 10 people, and those 10 people open it, all those 10 people might get one one point. If a couple of those people click through on a like in that email they might get small points and then if they land on the content page on your side, it has some links off to a product page and they end up on that product page we are getting them some points for ending up on the product page. They followed the whole kind of content trail we've laid out for them. They'll have more points than somebody who's just opened their email and read the email. While everybody is going to have the same tag, some people are going to end up with a higher score, if that makes sense.
Stephan: That's beautifully put.
Barry: I think you mentioned another good thing too as well is under the lead scoring dashboard again which you can find under context, management scoring. Not only can you just have lead scoring across the platform but you can have multiple categories of lead scoring. You can say, "This is people who are engaged with my content." This is people who are interested in my products. This is people who are interested in my services. You can have different lead scoring categories depending on what it is that you are trying to track and or reward. That makes it super powerful as well. Tell us a little bit about how you are using it and how you are using it for some of your clients.
Stephan: Right. By the way I love all that descriptive stuff, I'm going to listen to this again, copy all down and probably steal it.
Barry: Fair enough.
Stephan: You did that beautifully Barry.
Barry: There is nothing new on the internet, right?
Stephan: It's great and it's funny because you said, you are right, you could have a couple of different categories. Just recently I was starting to play with the idea of, what if I created different categories of context scores for people? Maybe start to elevate them or just move them around a little bit more. My businesses isn't so evolved that I need all of these things yet. We all work with clients that there might be something worth playing around with. I'm using it essentially to develop my audience within my email list, my own personal email list. What I'm doing is I'm giving essentially engagement points, and I'm using it to help identify brand champions.
One of the things I'm actually doing is setting expirations on them. Let's say over the course of three months somebody's really hot on all your stuff, they are engaging whatever and then they kind of fall off the radar for let's say six months, that's another three months. I want those points to actually expire. You can set that up when you award points. You can set an expiration on that by the way. That's one of the things that I'm trying to do is to give people points for open clicks and replies. Obviously, an open is, that's a very weak signal, so you get the fewest amount of points for that.
A click is something stronger, so you get more points, maybe three or four times more. Then a reply, to me a reply is a very significant action. They get the most points for that. The other thing too is, a reply is one of those things that at that point they've replied to you. The chances are good that you'll be able to develop a more of a recurring relationship with them. That's one of those opportunities really to create brand champions. I have a couple of segments of people that, brand champions and maybe like a VIP type of thing, a little bit lower tier, and then just general engagers and people who are ghosts or lurkers.
I'll use the points to help me identify who those might be. Just all I have to do really is look over, let's say over the course of three months, how many emails did I send? Because again, I'm not doing a lot of automated sequencing, it's more just newsletter style marketing, promoting blog posts, webinars and things like that. That kind of stuff. What I'm noticing is that as people get more engaged with it that that's score will go up and then I have the opportunity to, I can do a couple of different things. One of the things that I've done is I've created automation if every ... Actually I'm putting this one in the marketplace that's coming out.
It's one of those like, at a certain threshold you enter into this automation and then it loops. You stay in it and every couple of months it'll actually make sure that you are still engaged. It'll nudge you, I'm going to have it set it up so that you can send like a little, "Hi, are we still friends, do you still like me or whatever? Am I still providing value?" Just some kind of an email, just a little nudge to remind people, "By the way I'm still here. Are you still getting my emails?" If not, give then an opportunity to do something about it.
The other side to that would be if it's creating a similar automation that identifies people with really high scores and creates some kind of a reward for them. Maybe it's a VIP access, some special content, or maybe it's just a notification for me to say, "Hey, you need to put this person Barry on your radar." You've got to actually like go stalk him. Go check him out online. Make sure that there is ... See if there is any opportunity for you guys to do something together or maybe promote some of his blog content because he seems to really be into the stuff that you are doing. Maybe there is an opportunity there to ... Again to leverage that, to leverage the advocacy that you have.
I'm using it for that and again, by doing it where those points expire, you have this opportunity to keep people in a loop that constantly checks and makes sure that they are worth putting that extra time into for whatever engagement purpose it is. It is to either get them reengaged or to make sure that you've got like a brand champion kind of thing going.
Barry: Super smart. That's the one thing you want to identify is all those who want to engage with your content, engage with your brand, engage with your product. But also who are going to be the ultra-engaged people like you said, and whether they are going to be the brand champions. I want to loop back to a couple of things you said there that we might have glossed over at the beginning there. You have all these triggers that will apply points to someone, will add or add to their points score. Over time that points score accumulates and gets higher and higher ideally. What we didn't talk about at the beginning was that that can trigger something somewhere else in the system.
For example you might want to have a philtre built in that says, like you said, anytime somebody bubbles over 50 points for example, I want the system to send me an alert, an email to me personally that says, "Hi Barry, Stephan just bubbled over 50 points." Now I can reach out to you personally. You are different from the rest of the tribe now. I'm going to give you like you said a little bit more access into the inner circle of the brand or the business. I might send you a personal email straight from my personal email account or I might pick up the phone and call you because I know maybe you are super engaged.
The other thing you brought up that's really important as well is setting those points to expire. As people gather these points as you said, somebody might have been super hot on your content or your products six months ago and then fallen off the radar. They will have accumulated what now six months later is some artificially high score. You want to actually set up the system to decrement their score or subtract points, so if they go 60 days without opening anything, let's take 10 points away from them.
Conversely just like we talked about with those triggers of identifying the super engaged people, you can use those same triggers to identify those people who might be falling off and try to warm them up and bring them back. In your system you could say, "Any time somebody bubbles over 50 points send me an email. Any time somebody drops from above 30 points to below 30 points send me an email as well because I want to know if they are going to cold, maybe I can reach out to them, make them a special offer as you said. Super good tips I just wanted to circle back to.
Something just popped into my head actually while you were talking. Another way you could use lead scoring. As you said you can set up multiple categories. One of the examples I kind of like to use because everybody kind of understands is, if you are a physical training coach and you've got a couple of different categories of content, for example you've got nutrition, fitness and mindset. You could set up three different lead scoring categories and you could see how interested someone is in nutrition versus how interested they are in exercise versus how interested they are in mindset stuff.
You could open up someone's contact record inside Active Campaign and you could have their points score on how warm they are for those different three categories. Before you reach out to them you could tell how much of that stuff they are interested in each category we have a different score.
Stephan: That actually kind of speaks to the what you were saying before how the tags show what you are interested in and then the points kind of show the level at which they are interested. It's funny because a lot of ... I've gotten into this conversation a lot of times with other people where when you start to advocate tags based on, interested based tags, a lot of people, or even content type, people who like webinars, sending them more content about webinars and social content, live events and blog posts and things like that. All of those different pieces of content. The formats, those people are, they are already predisposed to them so you send them more of that.
The more engaged they become with your brand, the more they are going to have, you are going to saturate all your tags. You are not going to really have anything less for them to not be interested in. Scoring is one of these ways where you can create this next element of measurement. I just wanted to bring that up because I think you illustrated it perfectly with the three different types of fitness interests.
Barry: The other thing that just popped into my head too is like, if someone does have a topic tag. Lets say at some point we've tagged them as they are interested in the topic of nutrition for example and their lead score goes up. As those points expire and that lead score goes down, let's say it drops below 10, you could use an automation to actually remove that topic tag, because clearly they are not really all that interested in, maybe they were interested in nutrition at first but they are not anymore. You can actually use it to take those tags off again which would be kind of a clever way to make sure that people don't end up with a million tags like you talked about.
Stephan: Exactly. For example, maybe they went, if you are scoring, if you are giving scores for visits to certain pages on your website and now, you could use the wildcard tag, the wildcard site tracking thing to assign points as an entry point basically. If your URL structure is set up where you have, like for me I have all my email marketing stuff as my domain/email-marketing. All of my articles for email marketing are under there. I just have a wildcard site tracking thing set up. Anybody who visits any article, any page under email marketing is going to get an interest tag for email marketing.
Let's say the devour everything on there, they are clearly going to have tonnes and tonnes of points. If they don't go back to that, you are right, it's a perfect opportunity to say, "These have expired, they've gotten less hot for my email marketing stuff, let me just remove that tag at this point."
Barry: Very cool. The other thing that popped into my mind when you were talking before is, we were talking about points expiring. I was like, "Maybe we don't let them expire." This would be a cool way to track customer lifetime value. Everybody talks about customer lifetime value. What if you had some triggers in the system that said, "Stephan just bought this product for $50, let's give him 50 points. Then he buys this other product for $150, we give him another 150 points." So that you'd have a rolling total in there that never expires. I could immediately just go into your contact record and I can see under the customer lifetime value lead score, would be a direct indication of how much you've purchased from us in the past. I'm not sure if you can actually sort but it'll be a great to be able to sort by which of your customers has the highest customer lifetime value based on that CLV lead score if you will.
Stephan: That's a good question. I know you can do an advanced search using scores. That's under the contact details category. I know you can do that. I guess you could always just do, for that score you could just do over zero. If that column can't be sorted, you could always export it into excel and then just look at it that way.
Barry: I seem to remember it can't be sorted. I seem to remember putting a feature request for that.
Stephan: Probably, right?
Barry: Yeah, but what a cool way to just open up and see what someone CLV is in two seconds span? Just open their contact and go right boom.
Stephan: If you wanted to do any special content programmes related to, again, my mindset is always on this brand champion concept. If you had a, if you wanted to do something where you are going to create, let's say you are creating an advocacy programme where you are going to do some kind of an all star VIP thing. It's a very easy way to just put in that advanced contact search, show me everybody whose customer lifetime value is over 2,000. Boom, those are your most profitable customers at that point too.
These are the guys that you really want to, maybe you are going to send, maybe during the holidays. Here is an opportunity to say, "Who are the guys I'm going to? Maybe send the extra, the bigger basket of swag and fruits to versus maybe just a card. It's an option. Holiday givings like that can get pretty expensive. That's one of those things too.
Barry: There is always those people who talk about your customer base, there is always that 1% that will spend 10 times more with you. You come up with your platinum package or your super VIP package or whatever it's going to be. What a great way to be able to identify that 1% pretty easily?
Stephan: I love that. Another thing you can do too is you can use conditional content for your, if you have different brand champions or if you have like a brand champion segment for example or high engagement, some type of high engagement segment. Let's also, let's just all acknowledge the fact that these guys are going to click on anything that you send them no matter what. Give them something else to do. This is one of my favourite things. If I'm going to put in, if I'm going to send out a newsletter for example and I'm going to have my couple of latest blog posts or whatever, I want to actually alter that so, and put a conditional tag in there that says, "If you are a brand champion I want you to see maybe two, maybe some social media images and some extra content, maybe even a totally different call to action, along with the blog post link so that you can help me get the word out."
About maybe an upcoming event because I know that that's something that these guys are going to want to do, because they are going to want to help me. They are highly engaged with my brand. It's an ask that I can feel comfortable making because I know that they are already so engaged to my content.
Barry: For those of you who don't know what conditional content is, it's a way to send out a single message but maybe a couple of paragraphs of that message are different for each person depending on some sort of trigger or some sort of flag in the system. I know you can do it on tags. If someone has this tag show them this paragraph of text, if they don't, show them this other paragraph of text. Can you do conditional content on lead score as well, if they are above 20 show them this, if they are below 20 show them that?
Stephan: Not right yet, what you would do is probably tag them first. I was playing with that the other day. It didn't ... Who knows? They are making so many improvements in this sort of world. I would assume at some point that will expand. Like you and I were talking before we went live, it's probably one of the features that's not being used by as many people yet. Conditional content can get, it's extremely powerful but it can also get a little bit tricky to write up. I would just stick with tags. Tag all those people, even if you have to do it manually, if this is the first time you are doing it, just do a search for all the people that are going to have that brand champion score whatever, give them a special tag. Again, if you are just going to try it with a one off thing, do it that way, it's not that big of a deal.
Barry: You could even do it in your automations where you could have levels. If they hit level one, if they hit 20 points on the leads score they get a level one tag. If they hit 50 points they get a level two tag. If they hit 100 points they get a level three tag. Then in your conditional content you can say, if they have a level one tag show them this paragraph, if they have a level two show them that one. If they have a level three show them this paragraph of text, right?
Stephan: Yeah, and that's actually what I've been doing now. The only tricky part, just, and you have to kind of think this through. If in those automations, in the tagging automation that says if you hit a certain threshold at this tag, you have to remember to remove the other ones. There are certain tags that you can have, like an interest based tag. You can have multiple tags but an engagement one, I feel like an engagement based tag, probably, unless you are going to break it out. An engagement based tag for whatever engagement score you are going to give should be unique. In all of those automations, make sure you are moving all of the other ones and then adding the one. That's important.
Barry: If they bubble over 50 points give them the level two tag but remove the level one tag so that otherwise they would get both paragraphs of that conditional content?
Stephan: Right.
Barry: A very good point. How are you crafting or customising your offers based on lead score, are you throwing in extra bonuses for the brand champions or are you giving them a discount or how is that working? Once you've identified one of these people, how does the offer, the conditional offer differ for those engaged people versus the unengaged people?
Stephan: One of the things you can mess with is copy. This has sort of been my, where I've been playing lately, just myself is trying to understand the type of copy that I'm using, how it resonates with different people who have certain levels of familiarity with my brand. It's one of this, it's a whole trusting build exercise obviously with us as email as marketers. The copy we use is so incredibly important. I've found that as you become more familiar with the person that is sending you emails, the more that person can kind of, or the more the personal they can get honestly. Honestly, we are in an inbox, this is a personal, it's kind of a personal space here. It's a one to one thing. All that stuff. We all know this stuff.
What I'm actually playing with really is the type of copy that I'm using. I know for example that I can get away with something that maybe a little bit more on the aggressive side of things and may not to use the word sleazy but might seem like a little bit more on that side of it. I know I can get away with that with people that have built a tonne of trust with me and I can use the score to kind of measure that, because ... The reason I would use it is, is because honestly it's incredibly effective. It's the type of stuff that will get people to act. That's what I want them to do. The problem with that is if you do it with, if you use that kind of tone with somebody where you haven't built up that trust yet, you are getting flagged as a spammer, you are getting unsubscribes, you are obviously not getting the kind of result that you want.
You might have to take a little bit more of a polished tone to your copy or something a little bit more familiar. A little bit more structured or familiar where somebody again, they just might not fully understand who you are, maybe [inaudible 00:28:09] or anything like that. Where as a brand champion, you've probably replied a couple of times, you've had some interaction, or they've seen in you a, they've heard you on a podcast, seen you on a livestream or something, they've read your blogs. They understand your voice really well. You can kind of get, you can have a little bit more latitude with that. That actually will get better results which is great without having to feel like, "I'm walking on egg shells here."
I actually played with that at the end of last year and realised that that was the only way that that was going to work, because I lost about 10% of my email list believe it or not between just dated addresses and unsubscribes because I kind of went over the top. I got great results but I went over the top with my copy. It was a good lesson learned. I would change that moving forward. I think that's one of the things where a score could actually help a lot.
Barry: Everyone always talks about how being able to sell somebody involves a lot of no lie-can trust. There are people in different phases of that no lie-can trust cycle with you. You are not going to talk to everybody the same. Just like if you walk into a real life networking event and there are some people you've interacted with before, maybe they bought from you before. You are not going to talk to them exactly the same way you would talk to a stranger you just met. I always like to tie it back to kind of real world equivalent of how do we differentiate those people who are our friends and do no lie-can trust as opposed to those people who are just getting warmed up or just met us? Your lead scoring and conditional content with different copies is a perfect way to do that.
Stephan: It works very well.
Barry: Stephan, if someone wants to get involved in lead scoring or get a bit more information around what you've done with lead scoring and some of the tricks, tactics and techniques you are using, what is the best place for them to do that?
Stephan: I'm trying to put as much of that into the Active Campaign marketplace as I can. I think it's a place where hopefully as more people start to adopt it, some of the simple things that I've set up to get them started. That'll be available in there. Also on shovi.com which is my site. There is an online chat on there and you are more than welcome to just ... That goes straight to me. You can just connect with me over there.
Barry: For those of you who haven't heard, Active Campaign will be starting a marketplace soon. Maybe even by the time this episode goes live, the marketplace will be in place. You'll be able to go and buy or download either for your paid automations from some of the automation superstars listed upon. I'll probably have some in there and I know a few of the other marketing automation super geeks like us are planning to put automations into the marketplace so that people can basically just supercharge their marketing. They can just go there, either download a free one or pay a small fee to get some sort of really setup, pre-setup, pre-made automation and import it straight into their account.
hat marketplace is coming soon. I'm not exactly sure what the release date is for it but it's probably weeks away rather than months away. You will see both of us inside the marketplace. In the meantime, head over to shovi.com to check out of more of Stephan's stuff. As always you can find everything we talked about in the show notes over at the activemarketer.com. Stephan, thanks for joining us today. We really appreciate, some really great food for thought there.
Stephan: Thanks Barry. This was great.
Barry: I want to thank Stephan for coming on and bouncing some ideas off of me back and forth, sharpening the blade as it were. I want to thank you for joining us on this episode. After all, you are the one we are doing this all for. We are trying to get all this information out in the hands of all the business owners out there who want to use it and put it to work in their business. Having said that. You can jump over to the show notes which are going to be over at the activemarketer.com/52. There'll be two super simple automations there to do with lead scoring that you can suck straight into your business. Basically there'll be two automations there. One will track anytime someone opens an email and it will give them a point.
Those points will expire after 60 and there'll be a second automation that tracks any link that they click on. Then it will give them two points. Those points will expire after 60 days as well. You'll be able to keep a running total of points for those people who open your emails and click the links in your email. Head over to the activemarketer.com/52, you'll be able to suck those automations straight into your accounts for free and you can be using lead scoring in your business in just a matter of moments. If you've been following me for any amount of time, you know that one of the reasons I do this is because I think marketing automation sales funnels are a super powerful tool for anybody to put into their business.
In the past it's kind of been the domain of the real advanced top tier marketers. As the technology because more accessible, it's something that can be utilised by anybody who has a website. The problem is there is not a lot of educational material around how to go and do this. This is why I started the Active Marketer Podcast in the first place. I'm on a crusade to educate people on how they can implement this stuff in their business. We've had Udemy courses, we've got podcasts, we've got the private automation nation, private Facebook group where we solve problems and talk about tactics but it's still not enough.
I get emails and calls from people all the time where they are frustrated that they can't quite get it to work or they've made a mistake or they are not sure how they should go or they are not sure how these great tips like from Ezra Firestone there with his post purchase sequence, not quite sure how that applies exactly to their business. In 2016 I am stepping up the game brothers and sisters. I am going to open a private coaching community that really is going to be a hotbed of sales funnels and marketing automation. I want to make this the place that wasn't available to me when I started years ago, when I started my marketing automation journey. I found some great tools and I went to work and I was going, "I'm going to implement these in," at the time in my wife's business.
Guess what, there was nowhere to learn. There was nowhere to go. Nobody was talking about this stuff and it's just so powerful and so amazing. I had to learn from trial and error, much like you are probably doing now. That was powerful and you know you want to do it but it can be confusing and it can be a little technical and it's quite easy to make a mistake, the wrong tag fires the wrong sequence to somebody and all of a sudden emails are going out that you didn't mean to go out. This year 2016, hopefully in just a few weeks I'll be opening the Active Marketer Insider's Private Coaching Community. It's going to be the coaching and implementation community I always wished I had when I was starting out with this marketing automation stuff.
I want to make it super simple, super clear and super easy for you to put this to work in your business because I think it's really powerful and can change anybody's business. In my crusade to educate we are going to bring together a private coaching community for you, where you are going to get access to tools, tactics and techniques. You are going to have direct access to me inside the community. We are going to run private coaching calls and group hot seat calls. If you really want to know how to put this in your business and you are brave enough to put yourself on a hot seat, myself and other members of the community we'll break down your business and break down your sales funnels and really pick it apart and put it back together so that you have the best possible automation, the best possible sales funnel working in your business.
Inside the coaching community we are going to have tonnes of resources for you. We are going to have shared automation library, you can just click on the automation, put it straight into your business. We are going to have swipe files for your emails. we are going to have funnel blueprints to show you exactly the steps you need to take and varying degrees of complexity so if you are just starting out, you don't want a super complex funnel, you just want, where is the very first place to start? We are going to say, "Start here, then move to this, then move to this, then move to this."
We are going to have funnel blueprints, we are going to have quick action plans, checklists that you can follow to put this straight into work into your business. We are going to have group coaching calls as I said, member hot seats, monthly webinars. As I said, it's really going to be the premier place for anybody who wants to learn about sales funnels and marketing automation. I'm really excited about this. Here is your special offer. I want you to head over to the URL I'm going to mention in a minute and express interest in being a founding member of this community. I'm not going to charge you anything now. You are just expressing interest that you want in when the door is open.
What that means to you, what that special offer is is, anybody who's put their hand up, you are going to get early access to the community as special founder rights. I know you are taking a chance on me because this community is just starting and I want to provide you the best possible reason and the best possible resources to get started inside this community. You are taking a chance on me and I understand that, I'm going to give you an access to special founder rights. Anybody who is on this early expression of interest list, you are going to get first call getting into the community as special founder rights before we launch this to the public.
Those special founder rights will never go up for the lifetime of your membership. As long you stay an active member inside the community, that special founder right will never go up. The price to the general public is certainly going to go up over time and probably very quickly as we pack resources and great learning materials inside that community. You have a chance to get in now as special founder rights that'll never go up for the lifetime of your membership. If this sounds like what you need in your business, I want you to head over to the activemarketer.com/specialoffer, just put your name in there and tell me that you are interested, when the time is ready, when we are ready to open the doors to these early founder members we'll send you an email.
That's the time we'll bill you if you want to get into the community. In the meantime, run over to the activemarketer.com/specialoffer, put your name and email address in there and I'll contact you with some more information. See you next week. In the meantime, get out there and design, automate and scale your business to the next level using sales and marketing automation. See you everybody.
Speaker 3: Thanks for listening to the Active Marketer Podcast. You can find the show notes and all the latest marketing automation news over at the activemarketer.com.