TAM 054: Sean Kaye – Sending Daily Emails
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In episode 54, I talk with Sean Kaye from CasualMarketer.com about the process of planning, executing and maintaining a daily email regime. So if you have ever thought about sending daily emails to your list, this is the episode for you.
Sean recently launched a physical newsletter subscription service. In support of that, he decided to start a regime of sending daily emails to his cold list. Sean shares his thoughts on planning and maintaining a daily email schedule. He also shares the problems and lessons learned he encountered along the way as well as the results that he is seeing.
Topics We Chat About:
- Why send daily emails
- How to plan and execute a daily email regime
- Technical problems along the way
- Lessons learned and surprising results.
Sean uses ActiveCampaign, if you want to give ActiveCampaign a try, you can set up a free trial account here.
If you have any questions or just need a tip from the ninjas, join us in the Automation Nation private Facebook group.
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Barry: How is your Snapchat coming?
Sean: I'm just crushing it on Snapchat. I'm making stories.
Barry: I couldn't even get through sentence with a straight face.
Sean: No.
Announcer: Welcome to the Active Marketer Podcast, where we talk about how to design, automate, and scale your business to the next level, using sales and marketing automation. You can find out all the tips, tactics and techniques you need to get more customers and sell more stuff over at theactivemarketer.com. Here is your host, Barry Moore.
Barry: Welcome to the Active Marketer Podcast, the podcast that's all about sales funnels, and marketing automation. I'm your host Barry Moore, and this week we are going to talk about daily emails. There's always been a debate about weekly, daily, what's the frequency you should mail your list. There are some proponents like Ben Settle for example, who are famous for emailing their list every single day. I had a friend who just went through that same process. He wanted to start up daily emails to his list. There is lots of lessons learned, so I thought we get him on to share the process, the why mail daily? The how, the tactical challenges that he had and some of the surprising results with mailing your list every single day.
We are going to get Sean Kaye from Casual Marketer on to talk about his journey and setting up a daily email routine. Before we do that of course the shameless social proof segment. This is where I read out your reviews from iTunes or Stitcher, and share a little bit of love back to the community. This one comes from John at XL Campus in the United States. Five stars, "A must listen for any email marketer."
He says, "This is one of my favourite podcasts. Barry does a fantastic job of interviewing some of the top marketing professionals in the industry. If you've ever wondered about single versus double opt in, listen to episode 41 with Chris Davis. Case closed. I also really enjoy the tactical 20 episodes where Barry shares some really great and actionable tips that could be implemented in 20 minutes or less. This is really smart marketing and something to learn from. The podcast is at the top of my playlist. Thanks Barry."
Thank you John. I appreciate it, I appreciate you taking the time to head over to iTunes and leave a review. If you'd like to do that yourself, head over to iTunes, stitcher, Soundcloud, what your platform of choice is, leave us a review, and I will read it out on a future episode. Then before we get into the interview with Sean, stick around to the end, there is going to be a special offer. I'll tell you all about that after the interview. You don't want to miss out because that special offer window is closing. We'll see you again at the end of the episode. In the meantime let's get into this week's interview with Sean Kaye from casualmarketer.com.
I'd like to welcome to the show Sean Kaye, a good friend of mine, he's gone through an interesting exercise recently that I thought we might all get a little benefit out of, and that's starting a daily email routine. Sean, welcome.
Sean: Thanks man. It's good to be here.
Barry: I want to talk to you about ... You've recently launched a physical product and accompanying that a daily email. You want to tell us a little bit about what your thought process was in starting up that product and that programme?
Sean: Yeah. Take you back to sort of July 2015. As we record this it's sort of mid-March 2016, I decided I wanted to do a physical newsletter. I liked the idea of getting stuff in the mail. I liked the idea of putting together a newsletter. I do a lot of writing naturally, I write a lot of stuff. One of the things that sort of came home to me was all this writing, and I actually don't publish it anywhere that's kind of constructive. It ends up on Facebook or it ends up in other people's forums or whatever, but I wasn't really kind of structuring that in any kind of way that was useful for me.
I decided I put this monthly physical newsletter together. When I started thinking about the idea, I posted it in a Facebook group strangely enough about how should I ... Does anyone have any ideas about this? Andre Chaperon, whose kind of like the long form email guy.
Barry: Legend.
Sean: Yeah, he came back to me and said, "You should check out what Ben Settle is doing with his newsletter." I started looking into Ben, I'd listened to maybe one or two of his podcasts or whatever, but anyway I decided I'll check it out. I ended up on his email list. The thing that's interesting about Ben is that he emails every single day. Sometimes even more than that if he's doing something that he wants you to know about. He'll send lots and lots of emails about it.
I started getting these daily emails, and they are pretty cool. Content maybe is not for everybody for sure. He has a particular style or whatever, but I kind of thought. I get what he's doing here. What sort of resonated with me was that, one of the reasons why I wanted to do the physical newsletter, was because I wanted people to actually read the content.
If you send people something by email, they have a propensity just not to bother reading it and throwing it away, but if you send something in the post they read it. The other thing that came to mind was something I realised was, with these daily emails. I was kind of getting in the habit of reading them. I would wake up and I'd wait for them all, I'd go look through my email and find it, and see what story he was telling today. It all kind of gelled for me. It was like, "I want people to consume what I'm writing. I'm going to give it to them in a physical format but I want to keep them engaged outside of that, and I want them to build up a rapport with me."
The daily emails kind of gelled. As I kind of went through this journey from July through till I guess November when I decided I was really going to put this newsletter together and do the work for it, the one thing that kind of got added to it was, "I'm going to start emailing daily, I'm going to start writing fairly lengthy emails and telling a story, or sharing an idea every single day with people and see what happens."
Barry: I guess Ben is probably the most kind of well known of the daily email crowd, his big signature move is mailing every day. Like you said, I completely understand the physical newsletter. I think it's a great idea, and having received it myself, being a customer, I think it's a spot on to the goals that you set out. You do want to consume that, you do want hold on it, but you don't know where to keep it, you get to read it somewhere whether you are not online, you don't have a device in front of your face.
The decision to do the daily email along with that, was that ... The motivation there, were you sucked in by Ben's daily emails from a consumer point of view? Did you see that his were really working and you thought, "This is a good idea," or you just wanted to try it as an experiment or you just wanted to write and get your writing out there? What was the thought behind the daily email accompanying the physical newsletter?
Sean: I kind of originally had thought, "I'm going to blog a lot for this project. The idea was, "I'm going to produce a lot of original content. I'm going to get it out there, and I'm going to get in people's hands." Then ideally it's the ascension model of content marketing which is, I'm going to put out a lot of really, what I think is good content, and then that's going to compel people to actually want to sign up and become members of the newsletter to see what else I'm offering. I saw how that worked for me, so I've been doing online marketing and internet marketing for kind a long time now.
I've been around it for eight, nine years now. It was one of the things that in the last, probably last five years where I went, "That's a pretty interesting thing." What I realised was that the people who would subscribe to a physical newsletter, they are going to have to be fans, they are going to be hanging out for what I have to say. If I don't talk to them a lot and I don't talk to them regularly, and I don't have a conversation with them, they are not going to learn to like and respect my point of view on things. The email did that.
There is the other element that I really liked about email was that, and particularly emailing every day, was that if I'm going to produce all this content, and I have my list, the biggest piece of feedback I kept getting from people when I first started but also beforehand was, "Why are you sending these long form emails to people?" Because the average email that I'm sending out since I started this, I think the average length is about 1,100 words, which is a really long email.
The feedback that I was getting from some people was, "Why don't you just put a teaser in an email with a link to your blog, send them to the blog, and then if they want to read it they'll read the email?" The mental leap that I had made was, "If you are on my email list, and you want to read what I have to say, why do I want you to jump through hoops to do that? I already have you on my email list." For me, email is the most convenient form of content that I get, it's in a place that's easy to access, it's on just about every device that I have. I can use it, read it, and consume it whenever I want. I can also go back to it as well.
Barry: Yeah, and it's not surrounded by a million other distractions either.
Sean: No, it's just ... One of the subtle things with the email is, every single email, there is a link to go sign up to the newsletter, every single day. There is a takeaway and a call to action, that says, "Now if you like this, go do that." That's it. Generally, very rarely do I have more than one link, but usually it's one link down the bottom telling them to go sign up for the newsletter.
It is about, you are on my list, you are already there, if I want you to consume content, there is no point in me forcing you to jump through hoops and do internet gymnastics to read the content. I just want you to read it, but you read it when you want, and where you want. If you want to read it on the bus, read it on the bus, if you want to read it in the toilet, read it in the toilet. If you want to wake up first thing in the morning and read it, that's up to you, but do it when it's convenient for you. That was the thing I really liked about email, and I kind of ... The whole casual marketer thing was what I guess I sort of thought was content marketing, sort of 2.0
The original view of content marketing, people like Pat Flynn say, be everywhere, being everywhere means you are nowhere, because your spread is so thin, you are publishing and you are not really worrying about how people consume it. I kind of said, for me content marketing in this next generation isn't about being prolific across 10,000 modalities, it's about finding the people who want to get your content, want to read your content, and giving it to them, and getting them to consume it. That's the next iteration in my mind. The physical newsletter was about consuming. The email is about consuming, and the email is about building an affinity with the reader, so that they want to consume the newsletter as well.
Barry: I totally get it. There'd be such a disconnect if all they got was the physical newsletter once a month. They'd be like, "Who is this? Am I still on this?" If you are in their face every day, now they are going, they are looking forward to it, they are expecting it, they know it's coming because you've told them it's coming. Let's talk about the how and the planning that went into that. There must be a lot of discipline that goes into writing a 1,100 word email every day. How did you go about changing your kind of behaviour to make that a reality?
Sean: That word discipline is actually, I'd say probably other than the, I guess the quasi-marketing angle of getting people to read something, and then having an affinity for it. The personal discipline angle was actually the biggest motivator for me personally, that as I said I write a lot, I write quickly. I write on a lot of different things but it was largely unstructured, and I always have found with my list over the years that I didn't really send a lot of emails, because I didn't really feel the need to do it.
The problem I had with that is, people lose touch with you, and who are you? Why are you emailing me? Because you are not doing it all the time, but also too, the whole thesis behind casual marketer is that people who have a job or who have their own small business, or who maybe have their own responsibilities, but they kind of want to learn how to do smart online marketing, or they want to improve their own existing business or whatever trough online marketing.
That takes a lot of discipline, you have a job, I have a job. To do all this other stuff, it requires a lot of discipline, and it requires hard work. The email piece is frankly hard work. Every single day I have to find half an hour, 45 minutes to an hour to sit down and write something. The logistics behind starting it was that when I kind of made the mental leap that I wanted to do this, back in October, November, I got Evernote, and every time I get an idea for an email I'd write down one or two lines in a notebook in Evernote. When I started writing the emails, I think I had 60-70 email ideas, but a funny thing happened along the way. I still go and have a look at that from time to time but pretty much every single day I get one or two different ideas for an email to write that day.
It's very topical, and they are also a storage of, often times I'm sharing anecdotes of things that happened. Part of the purpose for me doing it was to instil that discipline in making sure that I actually do something every single day on this part of the business. That was kind of the mental process.
Barry: I was going to ask, did you bank up a few before you started or you are actually writing one every single day during the day?
Sean: Pretty much every day. We caught up, here in Sydney, what started like two weeks ago, on a Wednesday night, and we had dinner and we hung out with a whole bunch of people. It was cool, and I think I left around 11:30 at that night, twelve o'clock and my rule is that the email has to be written before I go to bed that day. I think I got home around 12:30 and basically had to write an email. I had originally had the intention of banking up five or six days in advance or writing them all in one go or whatever. It's kind of cathartic, it's almost therapeutic, I actually enjoy now sitting down and banging out one of the emails every single day. I literally have zero in reserve, I have to sit down and write them.
Barry: Moving onto maybe the technical challenges then. You essentially were starting from a standing stop as far as your list and the relationship with that list, is that right?
Sean: Yeah, I had a couple of thousand people in my email list that I picked up over the years so, just not the 2,000 or whatever.
Barry: You hadn't been mailing them regularly?
Sean: No. I think the last time I sent them an email before I started doing this in late January, early February, the last email I set them was in August. Then before that it was June. Then I had switched from Infusionsoft earlier in 2015, and I think I may have sent them one email then but it was very minimal engagement, and that posed some interesting issues.
I think my first email I sent out to the list was pretty much in the lines, I'm going to email you every day. These are going to be long, if this isn't your thing, or you don't want to hear from me, or you don't know why you are here, then down the bottom in an unsubscribe link, you should unsubscribe. That was kind of ... that was what I thought was me being a pretty cool guy, and giving people an out clause. The thing that I probably didn't through was what that would do to my ...
Barry: Your sender reputation.
Sean: Yeah, my deliverability. That was probably the one piece in the jigsaw puzzle that I stupidly didn't think about. I'd say it hurt me for a couple of days thereafter, but I had a chat with Chris Lang who you've had on the podcast. Chris' advice was, "You know what man? Just stick to it." He gave me a couple of ideas around how to format my links and stuff. I also, it's interesting, I was hit, I ended up on a new server when I started sending ... It was by a happenstance, I did it up on whole new server from ActiveCampaign and their server had a bit of a deliverability blip as well at around the same time.
I think I kind of got, I didn't myself any favours, and I don't think AC did me any favours either, but that was probably the one thing I didn't really, trying to be a cool a guy. I think I actually shot myself in the foot a little bit.
Barry: For those listeners who might not what the implications of that is, basically you are starting from a standing stop and not regularly mailing these people. You send your first email, and then the computer overlords see a large unsubscribe rate on that first email because that's essentially what you told the people to do. It's going, "This guy, he never sends before, now he's sending in wholesome, the first one he sent he's got a big unsubscribe rate, so this must be bad." Which affected your sender reputation, maybe if they would have trickled off on their own accord, instead of being kind of pushed at the door, that might have had a lesser effect, but who knows really?
Sean: To be fair it kind of bounced back. It's been an interesting journey from that deliverability and engagement perspective because any time you have a list, I've been building that list from probably 2010, maybe even as late as 2009. There are some people who have been there for six or seven years, and I'm not a big fan of auto-responders and sequencing like that. I think it's, I don't like getting them, so I don't want to send them. It's really large broadcast audience and so that kind of had six, one after the other, half the people didn't know who you were, and half of the people are like, "Jeez, man, I haven't heard from you in a while," was kind of the feedback.
The thing that's really problematic, you kind of come back to the sender reputation deliverability stuff is it's just a black box. You just don't know where you stand or why things are happening. Google have their post master tool, which doesn't seem to work, can't seem to get any information out of it. That's been challenging. Especially my list, I think I'm running at sixty something percent of the opens are Gmail. It's something that you have to learn about, I'd say if I had a piece of feedback for people listening is, take a little bit of time and learn how deliverability works, and get a feel for what things like sender reputation are, because they are important. I don't think we talk about them a lot.
Barry: Very true. Just if you want to share some of the stuff you learned about the links as well, I thought that was pretty interesting.
Sean: I thought I was being, again, my whole thought process was, how can I be transparent with people? I decided that rather than just traditional click here, sign up now, those kind of links. I thought I'd just put the URL in, just straight up URL.
Barry: Just like in the action read the http:// ...?
Sean: Yeah, naked links. That was kind of again, my thought process was just give the, just tell the punter where they are going straightaway, give them the option of clicking. Unfortunately, as Chris pointed out to me, that sounds really good in theory, but in practise what's actually happening is, the reader is seeing a naked URL, and because you are doing opening click tracking with ActiveCampaign or whatever, that link doesn't actually, that URL doesn't actually go that URL directly.
When it hits something like Gmail, what's happening is, they are seeing this URL, and then it's actually pointing to another URL entirely, and you don't need to be a rocket scientist to work out that, that looks kind of spammy. It looks like you are trying to misdirect people. His idea, he said to be, "I go back to click here and sign up now, and just hyperlink to those, because you'll get yourself out of trouble." Sure enough that one change saw my, effectively my open rates kind of double from what they were the previous days, making that one change.
Barry: Very cool. For those people listening who might know what we are talking about, when you do the link tracking in active campaign, ActiveCampaign has to kind of replace it with a shortcut link so that it can track who has clicked on which link. If someones http://casualmarketer, and they see that, living behind that is some other made up link that ActiveCampaign is using for tracking purposes. What Gmail is seeing, "This guy said he is sending you the casual marketer but that's not actually what the link says. What's going on here must be something shady." The internet is the only place where you get punished for being transparent. I love it.
Sean: It's frustrating because the problem probably that compounded it was the unsubscribes, and some people marking things as spam, because already in the eyes of Google and Gmail they have question marks about you. Then you compound that, why having links that don't point to where they say they are supposed to point to, and you start to look pretty dodgy.
It was probably a confluence of events. The other thing that I've been paying a little bit of attention to are stop words. Things that, words that get used in spam a lot, things like internet marketing, online business is another one. Those words, they naturally flow unfortunately in my emails. I have to now, I would say I spend 10% of my time figuring out euphemisms and other ways of describing those terms to try and get past those filters as much as I can, which is fun, because what I do is also take the emails every single day, and then I smash them up on my blog.
Those emails turn into blog posts. It makes a lot more sense then for Google, so it's kind of the Google dichotomy. It's, on the one hand I'm trying to get past Gmail's filters. Then on the other hand I'm trying to use those exact same words that I'm replacing on my blog so that Google knows what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to search. It's proving to be a little bit of an interesting challenge.
Barry: That's kind of the challenges covered off. You've been going for a little while now, what have the results been like?
Sean: Pretty good. What was really interesting is that the take up rate on the daily emails is actually increasing. One, and the open rates are kind of getting better as things go on. The thing that I'm seeing as I'm staring to do a little bit better engagement tracking with active campaign is that while the daily open rate is what it is, over the course of a two week period, probably doubles the daily open rate, the number of people are opening the email. Some people might not open today's or tomorrow's or Thursday's or whatever, but they will open something and read it in the last two weeks.
That's been cool, that's been something that until you start doing that tracking you don't actually see that kind of up take. The financial benefit was really fascinating as well, because I was kind of expecting the subscriber numbers from people that I knew, and people who knew me directly from other places. I thought that would be sort of 75% of the people who signed up for the newsletter as paying customers, but it's actually been the flip of that. It's been probably 75% of the people off my list signed up, and about only 25% of these line ups were people that kind of know me through happenstance.
It's been really fascinating. People who have been on the list. One guy signed up on the first day, I think you were number one. Thank you. Number two was a guy who wrote me a really long email and said, "I've signed up and I've been on your list since 2010." He goes, "I always looked out for whenever you sent me an email and I'm really excited to get the newsletter." That was kind of cool. The other thing that's been ...
Barry: That's a long tail that one.
Sean: Yeah, and that's been done, I haven't done a lot of list building in the last, probably the last two or three years even, probably the last two for sure. To get 75% of the sign ups come from that list has been pretty interesting. That shows you the power of email, because a lot of people will tell you, if you have an old list just throw it away. This kind of maybe tells you that that's ... You need to rethink that theory a little bit and see if you can get people to reengage before you burn your list. That's been an interesting outcome.
The other one is just a personal benefit like, truly every single day I send out the daily email, and without fail somebody sends me a response back, without fail. I'll get a reply that says, "You know, this resonated with me today because I thought of this or I was working on that yesterday, and this came through, I stopped and restarted. Every single day I'll get an email like that where somebody will come back to me and say, "This was helpful." That really made me think." That's been personally beneficial.
Barry: Very cool, where is most of the new sign ups and new traffic coming from?
Sean: It's an interesting one. I did a ... What's fascinating is I did a couple of posts on using Facebook's notes. I started doing some medium post and some Facebook notes. The medium just didn't really get a lot of traction. I'm not sure how that really works. I haven't invested enough time in it to develop that as a traffic source. I think it's just, I just think it's blocking for millennials, it's just not really of interest to me. I've tried to medium a little bit, as a traffic source. It just really hasn't worked.
The Facebook notes was interesting, I've taken a couple of the daily emails, turned them into blog posts, and then take the blog posts, and then publish them as Facebook notes. That did drive some subscribers to both the opt in list, but strangely enough I picked up a couple of ... A couple of people actually bought the newsletter out of it as well. I used specifically because they actually told me, "I saw this thing on Facebook, and where do I join?" That was really interesting.
Then I kind of stop doing those because Facebook have their new wizbang thing coming in April that they let the media do. You kind of link your blog posts to Facebook, and it shows them embedded within Facebook. I think what I'll do is I'll just, I think when that launches at F8, I'll just go down that path. I've kind of packed the Facebook strategy, but then doing things like podcasts and just letting people know that I'm doing it word of mouth. They seem to have been driving opt ins, and subscribers at a rate that I'm even a little bit surprised as at times.
Barry: How is your Snapchat coming?
Sean: I'm just crashing it on Snapchat. I'm making stories.
Barry: I couldn't even get through sentence with a straight face.
Sean: No, it's one of those ones like, when you do something like this and you have limited time, you have to pick your spots right. I have a face made for radio, Snapchat and Instagram and all that noise, that's never going to work for me. I can't pull that bikini off. I stay clear of those things. You know what? I just don't like meme quotes on colourful backgrounds with my name underneath.
Barry: What about pictures of food?
Sean: I don't mind the odd picture of food. I don't mind a good coffee picture personally. It just doesn't ... I just don't ... It just doesn't work for me. It's one of the things that I kind of, one of the principles I have is that if I don't like getting something as a consumer, I'm not a really big fan of producing it. Stick to what you like and stick to what you are good at I guess in Snapchat, Instagram and those kinds of things. They are truly not my thing.
Barry: I love it. It's like, here is this quote that's not from me, posted to my social media by my VA in the Philippines in an attempt to bond with you on social media. It's moronic.
Sean: I'm looking at, I have to say what I find even worse is when somebody quotes themselves. What ego and hubris do you have to have to do that? What am I going to do, I'm looking at one of my posts now, why don't people mind their own business? Am I going to put that on a meme poster and stick it up, and put my name under it?
Barry: Sean Kaye 2016.
Sean: I just can't. That to me that just doesn't mentally register. I'm never going to do that. I think that's just ass [inaudible 00:33:27]. That's just not my thing.
Barry: Douchebaggery.
Sean: That's right. I'm not going to actually promote myself that way. I stick to more traditional things like podcasts and stuff, just to kind of, to get the message out there as it were.
Barry: All right brother, any other surprises in this journey that you weren't anticipating?
Sean: Yeah, I think I have to say the one thing that shocked me the most is how, probably two things actually. One is, how quick you get at it? People always said, writing is like a muscle, the more you work it out, the better you get at it, the faster you get at it. I always kind of, I've been lucky that I can write quickly. I'm not one of those people who has to write a whole bunch of stuff and edit later, and just try to get things on paper. That's not me. I seem to have the ability to tell a story from start to finish in a cogent and coherent way, and it just flows.
I've always been somewhat lucky at that, but one of the things I found really interesting is the more I do it, the faster I get at it, the easier it becomes, the quicker the story forms in my mind, and the faster I am able to do it. An 1,100 or 1,500 word email, I can get that out now in under 45 minutes. That's pretty impressive, and then it leads into other things as well. Even writing the newsletters, which end up being like 5,000 plus word journeys, I can pound one of those out in a day or two if I had to.
The writing has become better, faster and easier for me, which is great. Probably the other surprise that I've had is actually how much I've enjoyed doing the daily emails. I didn't think I'd actually like it. I kind of looked at it, you used the word discipline early on, and I kind of thought of it as, this is a bit of work that I have to do every day. Now I actually look forward to the point in the day where I get to sit down for an hour and do this.
I like the feedback and stuff, I think that's great as well, but the actual time I get to sit down and do it is pretty cool. I highly recommend it as well to people, because even if you don't write daily, if you make a habit of sending an email to your list regularly, your list becomes better. One of the interesting statistics I can tell you is, imagine you have a couple of thousand people on an email list, you send them an email every single day, and you go a week with one or two unsubscribes, that's ridiculous.
I never would have thought that was ever going to happen. I can go three or four days without anyone unsubscribing. That to me has been freakish. I thought every day I'd lose, two, three, four people or something at least, at least I'd lose that. Then I'd have to go out and hustle up half a dozen, 10 new subscribers a day, just to keep the list fresh but also to keep it relatively same size. Not at all. I think in the last two weeks I think I've had three unsubscribes. That's been probably pretty surprising. There's been a lot of those kind of things, but it's, I've been surprised that I'm getting better at writing faster and I actually like it now. I like writing the emails. Those have the been the two things [inaudible 00:37:09].
Barry: Thank you brother. I think we'll wrap it up there. Thank you so much for sharing that journey with us, and where is the best place people can find out more?
Sean: They can go to casualmarketer.com.
Barry: Lovely, it just conjures up visions of a smoking jacket and an ascot. I love it.
Sean: It's kind of freakish right now. I mentioned this to you the other day is we've got the Active Marketer. You are under no crazy hustle, and I'm kind of just kicking back watching Netflix writing emails. It's kind of cool.
Barry: I think you've got the right idea brother.
Sean: That's it.
Barry: Thank you so much Sean. We'll you see you online.
Sean: See you later.
Barry: I'd like to thank Sean for coming on the show with us and sharing his lessons learned from starting a daily email. If you are at a full time job and you want to ramp up a part-time online business, I'd urge you to check out what Sean's got to say over at casualmarketer.com.
All the show notes for this episode will be over at the activemarketer.com/54. I mentioned a special offer at the beginning of the show, and here it is. I've been busy behind the scenes putting together a membership community all focused around sales funnels and marketing automation, so that you can fast track your results and getting these powerful strategies and technologies into your business straightaway.
What you'll find inside that community is shared automations, funnel templates, checklists, blueprints, training, full on training courses at the moment. We've got several in there, we've got an SEO course. We've got an Active Campaign course, we've got a Podio Course. We've got more coming all the time. Next month we'll be putting in a Google AdWords course, and an Instagram course as well, and we'll be adding to that list of training all the time. We'll also be running mastermind calls where we talk about the latest tactics and techniques that are working in the market to generate leads and turn leads into customers.
I'm really proud of this community, I'm really putting all my kind of effort behind it. I really want to make it a place where you can go, learn and grow, and also have access to a community like-minded members who are doing exactly the same thing you are. They are learning all the lessons you've learned, they are sharing all the tactics and techniques that are also working in their business. Now, I want to reward those people who want to take action and who want to get in early as founding members of the Active Marketer insider's community.
I've put together a special offer. If you head over to theactivemarketer.com/specialoffer, you will find there a list. Just jump on that list, say you are interested, and I will be sending out an early invitation to get in at a discounted price. That discounter founder's price is not going to be advertised anywhere. You'll never find it anywhere, no landing pages, no sales pages, no nothing. This is not fake scarcity bullshit, this is on the up and up.
These founder rights will be on offer to only those people who've been following for a while on my podcast, on my mailing list. I want to reward those people that have been with me this whole time by giving them reduced founder's rights that will never go up for the lifetime of the membership. The price of this membership will certainly go up as more and more templates and automations and training goes into the community, becomes a much more valuable asset. Prices will go up over time but your price will never change as a founding member.
If you are interested you can go find out more information at theactivemarketer.com/specialoffer. You need to be quick, and we'll only be keeping these founder rights open for the next week and a half. If you don't get in there early, it's going to be gone. Head over to theactivemarketer.com/specialoffer, put your name and address in there, and we'll be sending you out some more details soon. In the meantime, I want you to get out there and design, automate and scale your business to the next level with sales and marketing automation. See you next time everybody.
Announcer: Thanks for listening to the Active Marketer podcast. You can find the show notes and all the latest marketing automation news over at theactivemarketer.com.